Unique Custom Design
Every military doctrine utilizes a different set of items. This variability in gear causes a difference in tracked vehicle total weights therefore the need for specialized suspension springs becomes inevitable. Menatek possesses the ability to deliver any type of Running Gear tailored to the need of the vehicle.
Advanced Simulation Capability
Menatek have the ability to fully design and integrate the Running Gear of
tracked vehicles in different categories. Menatek has advanced simulation capability which has led to the evolution of a far more extensive knowledge base in this spesific -and vitally important- aspect of military vehicle engineering.
Diversified Manufacturing Opportunity
All components of the Running Gear, referenced as Menatek’s most
manufactured component list, as from gear boxes of final drive to
sprocket wheels, track assembly, Road Arms and Torsion Bars.
Uncompromising Quality Standards
Uncompromising Design And Manufacturing Standards For World Class Combat Vehicle Manufacturers